正本: reserved copy original主: host版本: edition对: answer; reply航空版: airmail edition; aeronautic ...等: class; grade; rank其他: other; else版: printing plate; printing blo ...别: change航空版: an airmail edition eg of a newspaper or magazine printed on special light paper主版本号: majorversion等其他症状: inflamed cervix纸皮其他版式: c format主版: key plate等其他相关设备: other equipment航空公司正本: original for the issuing carrier电机等其他相关设备: other equipment对航空器进行拦截: to carry out an interception against an aircraft对航空器进行限制: to impose restrictions on aircraft正本: 1.(别于副本的) reserved copy (of a library book)2.(文件的正式的一份) original (of a document) 把正本送存档案库 deposit the original in the archives对航空兵的战斗行动: antiair action对航空母舰的适用性: carrier suitability航空版(便于航寄的用轻质纸印刷的报刊): air edition而言: direct―rule; mil; olap; poor people; positive等其中: l. campestre